Technology is an application of scientific knowledge and innovations that results in processing aims and objectives in human life. To be a part of the bigger picture first thing comes in is its importance in the current context. Recent innovations in the IT field have transformed many sectors of our society and play an important role in connecting peoples, business partners and employees by various means like social media or through smart gadgets or applications. There is a drastic change in the mode of communication, in exchange of information, in exploring business and involvement of government agencies.
Use of IT Applications in Various fields :
- Education
- Healthcare
- Finance
- Business
- Security
- Employment
- Communication
The recent technological innovations are catering a way to emerge in terms of economy and competitiveness which give easy access to improve local and global economy. In the current pandemic, IT Technology has proven advantageous in terms of education. Now students can fetch the details and submit the assignments to the professors without any physical interactions. Professional skills, change and innovation, strengthening decision making skills and cognitive skills are the effective roles in the developmental process. We can easily improve the standards of technological development by receiving feedback in real time.

Various disciplines involving IT Sectors:
- Software Development
- Web Designing
- Application Development
- Cyber Security
- Data Management
- Network Administration
Information systems use hardware, software and business processes to create, collect, process and distribute data in order to ensure planning, management, operations and decision making. Every business depends on production and productivity by allowing faster communication, electronic storage and documentation.
Major components of IT Technology :
- Human resources and procedures
- Hardware
- Software
- Telecommunications
- Databases and data warehouses
There are so many countries that depend upon technology for their economies and to explore positive cultural changes like South Korea, Germany, Singapore and Switzerland etc. With the use of Technology our lives have changed drastically with learning to leisure, wealth to health, from ministries to classrooms for the best results.
Advantages of Technology in human lives :
- Ease Mobility
- Saves Time
- Easier access to data
- Efficient Communication
- Cost Efficacy
- Improved learning Techniques
- Applications in Multi Disciplines
Every organizations need to follow certain steps in an Information System in order to set components that will collect, process, store the information
Types of Information Systems :
- Management Information System
- Transaction Processing Systems
- Executive Support Systems
- Decision- Support Systems
With the help of IT Innovations we can access any data anywhere without any boundations which is fruitful in productivity. There is a boom in IT sector for IT professionals to work as computer Engineer, Business analyst, software and hardware developer etc
Roles and Responsibilities in the field of IT in 2021 :
- Network Administrator
- System Administrator
- Data Scientist
- System Analysts
- IT Manager
- Database Administrator
- Database Developer
- Software Engineer, Tester and Architect
- Network Engineer
- Technical Consultant
In terms of career there are many possibilities in the IT sector as this relates to different disciplines as mentioned above with their role and scope in the modern era.