It is a medicine practice by implementing technology also known as telehealth or e-medicine which provide healthcare services, care, advice, exams, reminders, interventions, monitoring, remote admissions and consultations. It results in evaluating, treating and diagnosing a patient at a distant place. It offers an opportunity to the doctors or physicians to treat them anywhere by using computers and software. It is very useful in benefiting both healthcare personnel and patients.
Telemedicines are of three types :
- Remote Monitoring
- Store and Forward
- Real Time Interactive Services
How does it Work :
To gain a better long term patient satisfaction and care management system we need telemedicine healthcare services to locate health information and communicate with healthcare professionals. If anyone needs health assistance through telemedicine they need to fix an appointment at the same cost as an in person visit. It is costlier to maintain and set up the service for smaller healthcare providers. By entering a few basic background details online with contact details you can get yourself registered for a session with a doctor.

Procedure to get yourself register :
- Choose Your Plan
- Fill the form
- Questions for Patient
- Involvement of staff
- Need to know about coverage
- Use of telemedicine
- Should Know the regulations
To prevent Covid 19 spread, flu and other infectious diseases, telemedicine is the best way to keep the people safe. It can be applied to psychotherapy and teledermatology. It is a two way process of communication and can be done through video conferencing and phone consultations in real time from anywhere and anytime.
Services offered by Telemedicine :
- Transmission of Image
- Medical Report
- Patient Consultation
- Medical Education
- e-Health Patient Monitoring
- Health Wireless Applications
- Video Conferencing
In order to get this service you need to be technically skilled with an insurance facility so that you can make an appointment and describe your symptoms to the doctor. In a recent survey, it is revealed that telemedicine is a good aspect in keeping the care. It is although not very impactful in physical examinations in crucial cases.
Categories of Telemedicines :
- Telementoring
- Teleconsultation
- Telemonitoring
Steps involved in Virtual Visit :
- Click on the link in an email provided by the hospital patient portal
- Install the video software that your doctor uses
- Allow access for audio and video
CPT and HCPCS codes are applicable to billed this service for patient virtual consent check in. 95 modifier is a synchronous telemedicine service that works on real time interactive audio and video telecommunication systems.