In today’s world technology is of utmost importance starting from a very basic daily need to a complex one. In initial days, we revolve around technology but nowadays technology surrounds us in every aspect of our life. We are more prone to technology exposure in terms of advantages and disadvantages in this HI-Tech era of Digital Transformation. Technology has provided us with faster means of communication through social media platforms and by means of mobile applications.

Digital era is opening new opportunities for every sector from financial services, consumer products, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, media and technology. Technology has provided us with multi-tasking devices like mobile phones, smartwatch, laptops, tablets, air-books, voice assistant devices and mainframe computers and as a result we are very calculative and on front foot in every respect nowadays. Technology is the only reason which makes our life easier, smoother and confident.
Coming back to the Article, We will list some of the latest HI-TECH Technologies which are so much in demand these days. We are listing few of them here : Dev-ops, AI, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Robotics, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and 5G. Choose any one and develop your career on a positive node with a bright sense of illumination.