Everything comes up with certainty of advantages and disadvantages in this Universe. In a similar way technology can also have adverse effects in students’ lives resulting in impaired brain development, social isolation and disturbed sleep. Increasing use of smartphones and social media may lead to eyestrain and depression mostly in teenagers. The addiction of smartphones will restrict children and as a result they are not active in physical activities and love to spend less time playing outdoor games. The overuse of technology will start affecting a child’s brain in early developmental stages and by continuous exposure to the internet and as a result they will process multiple information at a time in an imaginary way. This addiction will lead to serious health issues sometimes. Technologies have a bad impact on environments as well by liberating harmful gases into the atmosphere.
No doubt children can easily grab things by using technologies like videos, games but lower the rates of interacting with their friends. The use of technology should be restricted to stimulate developmental processes in children’s in the following areas like communication, learning, self expression, social gatherings and motor skills. Technology is making us lazy without any physical activity and affects the prefrontal cortex of our brain which is responsible for quick decision making and for short term memory. For a developing brain maximum 2-3 hours of exposure to computers, mobiles and television is sufficient.

As much as we share our eyes with the screen the more damage will be caused and may possess fatal discomforts like attention deficit symptoms, disrupted sleep and social isolation. If children are paying attention to the daily routine and are devoting their maximum time to physical activity rather than using mobile phones and TV the technology is not a problem at all. By doing so they will burn their calories in playing, running and hiding. Overuse of Technology sometimes leads to distraction of mind, neck pain etc. and can be responsible for a child behavior as well
It is a real fact that we can not imagine our life without technology. We use technologies that provide confidence and empower our life by its latest innovations. Technology is successfully growing in terms of the medicine and healthcare sector and well efficient in carrying life threatening operations. We are about to replace humans with robots especially in industries by using machine learning and artificial intelligence.
We can keep a track record of our health in order top reciprocate with doctors. There are so many Applications we are using nowadays to keep ourselves fit and healthy which is a good use of Technology as it is not engaging with our mindset. Five benefits of using Technologies are as follows : It saves time, easy to operate, improves learning and communication, easily accessible and cost efficient. Just with a click we can get ample information about any particular topic. Technology will allow more freedom to think in the right direction in order to exchange ideas and learn from them.